November 2016

Looking for a CNA Position?
Glen Health and Home with its 9 Healthcare and Rehab facilities in the Chicagoland area have an interest in growing their partnerships with schools in the Chicagoland area that offers CNA program.
ICI's CNA School in Chicago is working with with the Glen Homes in providing potential CNA applicants to apply to their facility.
If you are a an ICI graduate, or current student looking for a position in one of their homes, please contact us for more information.
TO contact their local recruiter, please see the following information here:
Neal Myers
Corporate Clinical Recruiter
Glen Health and Home Management, Inc.
5454 W. Fargo Avenue
Skokie, IL 60077

ICI is starting its accelerated CNA schedule that is 4 weeks long!
This class starts December 19th, 2016 and goes from 7am to 330pm in the afternoon. Be able to complete the CNA Class before the winter break and take the state competency exam by February 2017!
This schedule is for the weekday class. If you or someone you know is interested in our CNA 4 week class in Chicago, please feel free to give us a call at 847-920-8114.