NUR 1010: Nursing Fundamentals
120 Theory Hours | 60 Lab Hours | 90 Clinical Hours
Prerequisites: Anatomy & Physiology 1&2
Course Desription: Discusses approaches to nursing care, basic nursing skills, comfort needs, communication skills fluids and electrolytes, foundations of nursing practice, growth and development, health assessment, health illness continuum, medication administration, nursing process, pre-operative care, safety, physiologic health, psychological health, trans-cultural care, urinary and wound care. It also discusses the different common diseases of the different body systems; cardiovascular, integumentary, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurosensory, musculoskeletal and other systems.
NUR 1020: Nutrition & Diet Therapy
30 Theory Hours
Prerequisite: Nursing Fundamentals
Course Description: This program explores diet and nutrition principles for therapeutic and personal application. It describes the expanded role of nutrition in health promotion as well as disease prevention. Program is designed to give the student a basic concept of health and those nutritional factors necessary to maintain it. Discusses nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, factors influencing food patterns and describes various clinical diseases and therapeutic diets for nutritional care of these diseases.
NUR 1030: Medical Surgical Nursing
150 Theory Hours | 60 Lab Hours | 120 Clinical Hours
Prerequisites: Nursing Fundamentals | Nursing Pharmacology
Course Description: This program involves the study of simple to moderately complex deviations from normal health in adult patients. Basic classifications of disease states, their manifestations and nursing interventions are related through bodily systems approach. The concepts of body mechanics, pharmacology, interpersonal relationships, communication, diet therapy, and the physical and biological sciences are stressed throughout. This expands the student's responsibilities in nursing care from moderately complex-to-complex situations. It applies scientific principles of nursing to clients with special needs such as the geriatric patient, the mentally or emotionally impaired patient as well as the cardiac and critical care patient. Clinical time is expanded and medications, procedures, and treatments are stressed. It is designed to expose students to more specialized and demanding aspects of nursing while increasing basic nursing proficiency to entry level.
NUR 1040: Nursing Pharmacology
60 Theory Hours | 40 Lab Hours
Prerequisite: Nursing Fundamentals | Medical-Surgical Nursing
Course Description: This Program discusses general principles, theories, and facts about drugs and their administration. Principles of action, uses, side effects, and client education are discussed to facilitate the student's learning in the clinical environment. Information is presented by integrating pharmacology into the nursing process. Specific drug information is discussed in relation to assessment, nursing diagnosis, client monitoring, interventions, client education and evaluation of safe and effective drug therapy.
NUR 1050: Mental Health Nursing
40 Theory Hours
Prerequisite: Nursing Fundamentals
Course Description: This program focuses on analyzing the relationship between the nurse and the psychiatric patient, as well as disorders identified by the American Psychiatric Association, by examining communication techniques, integrating developmental theories and identifying behavioral patterns. The nursing process is used to interpret feelings, cultivate individual strength, co-create coping abilities, and instill faith and hope. The impact of the psychiatric illness on the family is explored from a holistic perspective. Through the art and science of nursing, the student and the patient gain a higher degree of harmony and health potential.
NUR 1060: Maternal-Newborn Nursing
40 Theory Hours | 40 Lab Hours | 20 Clincial Hours
Prerequisite: Medical-Surgical Nursing
Course Description: This Program provides clinical and theoretical practice in pre- and post-natal maternal nursing care, as well as the care of children from infancy to adolescence. It discusses normal and abnormal, physical and psychological aspects of the family and its members during growth and development. It is designed to give the student an overview of the nursing care for normal and disease states in various stages of growth and development. Familial relationships and human reproduction are also considered.
NUR 1060: Child Health Nursing
40 Theory Hours | 40 Lab Hours | 20 Clinical Hours
Prerequisites: Medical-Surgical Nursing
Course Description: This program focuses on pediatric health and illness with emphasis on family dynamics, growth and development and communication with children and their families. Health promotion, protection, restoration, maintenance and support concepts are covered in experiences that include hospital and community settings. Health care policy and systems are studied as relevant to this population.
NUR 1080: Leadership & Professional Development
30 Theory Hours
Prerequisites: Maternal-Newborn Nursing | Child Health Nursing
Course Description: This course fosters the development of leadership qualities in the practical nursing student to assume a role as an integral member of a healthcare team, a team leader and as a potential charge nurse in a long term care or clinic setting upon graduation. Issues related to licensure, job opportunities, legal and ethical situations, team leading, customer service, conflict, risk management, and safety are explored. The NCLEX-PN is also discussed and reviewed and the Comprehensive Predictor Exam given at the end of the program.

Book Required for Course:
Textbook of Nursing, 10th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-605-477725
WorkBook Textbook of Nursing, 10th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-605-477732

LPN Admission Requirements


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