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CNA Program Additional Information
Thank you for your interest in the CNA Program at ICI!
The Basic Nursing Assistant Training (CNA) Program at ICI is now part-online and face-to-face.
This means your lectures, quizzes and learning activities are done online and you just come to school for scheduled laboratory and clinical classes.
You may start the program at anytime and finish within 4, 6, 8 or 10 weeks depending on your available days to attend labs and clinical. Laboratory days for the weekday class are Mondays and Thursdays then Clinical days are on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The weekend class schedule has Laboratory and clinicals on Saturdays. Just let us know when you are ready to start the program and your preferred lab and clinical days.
Download the 2020 Class Schedules to view different lab, clinical, CPR and other course schedules. I have also attached the upcoming weekend and weekday class schedules. You may choose which schedule will work best for you. You may also attend back-to-back labs and clinicals if you want to finish much earlier. Just let me know so we can create an adjusted schedule for you.
The Admission Primer gives you detailed information on the program, admission/ application process, requirements, costs and payment plans. Your payment plan will depend on how long you will be enrolled in the program, when you want to start the program and when you intend to finish the entire course.
Click Admission Primer to download the file. You may go straight to the page that has the program information and costs for the Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program.
Do you want to know if Online Learning is for you? Check your readiness for online learning by taking the Online Readiness Survey from the University of Illinois Springfield: Although having a computer and WIFI at home is ideal, you can always come to ICI during office hours to complete your online activities.
Processing your application for admission may be done remotely or in-person. Once you have determined the class schedule you wish to join, we can complete the application process right away. The Application Packet is in a fillable pdf format. Please complete the forms, save/print and submit them in-person or by email. You may submit the completed Physical Exam form on the first day of class (or until Midterm Exam if you need more time).
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